Seriously, these are pretty random. I put some hardcore brain power into how these might relate and only ended up with a headache and new wrinkle in my forehead. Let's just dive right in…#1. Last night I had the tremendous pleasure of going to see the national tour of Avenue Q. For those not familiar with this multi-award winning Broadway show the easiest way to describe it is Sesame Street meets South Park. Or how about full frontal puppet nudity. Oh yes, they go there and you're glad they do. And did I mention it's a musical? Get a sampling of what you're missing by not going to see it the next time you're in New York, or London, or near any of the cities of the current tour, by checking out their official website or by listening to the songs of the show on iTunes. With the stresses of work and home weighing heavily day after day, it was really nice to get out and just have a really fun evening. My divine date for the evening was Hooters of Bettyfest fame. She didn't really know what to expect when the show started but after the first couple songs she was hooked. A Friday night watching puppets get-it-on on stage = good times.
#2. I feel ever so slightly ashamed to admit that after hunting far and wide for a Wii, that in reality I'm barely using it. I think the roommates have clocked 20x the hours on it that I have. (I just wish they'd remember to turn it off after a half-baked session of tennis.) But at the not so recent E3 conference a new accessory was announced that has once again reignited my interest in playing with my Wii. The Wii-Fit will be hitting store shelves in the coming months with the promise of helping people do even weirder body movements in front of their TVs. Check out the official video now:
Now I know what you're thinking, "What that video needs is a narrator." And you'd be right. Check out below what someone out there on the interwebs came up with to solve this problem.
Brilliant! Say it with me…good times.#3. This last one, well, I'm not sure what to say. Part of me thinks it's a hoax. But the other part of me—the nerd part—thinks it's fucking awesome. Kathy Griffin—whom I find hysterically funny—is rumored to be dating the one of the biggest geek icons of all time Steve "Woz" Wozniak. My jaw hit the floor when I stumbled across this on Gizmodo. And since you can't believe everything you read on the 'net, I went to one of those Apple fanboy-type sites for confirmation. I can only hope that he'll be on the next season of her show. That would be some seriously good ti–er, good television.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Three random things
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Does my hair whorl make me look gay?
I may have asked some really "out there" questions before, but this may not be so far out there as it may seem. And really, it's less about looking gay than it is that may have to do with being gay. Weird, huh?Here's the deal, apparently there might actually be some science to Gaydar and New York Magazine recently had a very interesting and detailed article on that very topic. Things like the direction of hair whorl, density of thumbprint, finger proportions, and hand dexterity might actually be specific to sexual orientation. Who would have guessed that gay men are more likely to have a counterclockwise hair whorl? I have to give author David France credit for once placing a personal ad describing himself as "gay-acting/gay-appearing" in stark contrast to the typical ad seeking "str8-acting." (I'm so over all those str8-acting gays…you're not so str8-acting when you're getting double penetrated by two power tops!) But now it would seem that vocal patterns and physical gestures may not be the only things that outwardly hint at orientation. But what could this newly discovered biological uniqueness mean? It raises some very important moral and ethical questions to say the least.
I won't spoil the rest, it's such a great article that you should read it for yourself. (Yes, that's the last link I'll put in there for it.) And when I said it was detailed, that's another way of saying it's much longer than a typical blog entry so give yourself some quality time to read it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
"If jackin' on will make strangers think I'm cool, I'll do it!"
That title is in honor of a very special day coming up in November. No, not my vacation. Something even more exciting. Yep, you guessed it. The first Futurama movie on DVD hits the streets on November 27! Futurama is without a doubt my favorite animated TV series, and in the top 3 favorite TV shows of all time. Smartly written, a smart-ass robot, dialog like the title above … you just can't go wrong! How could it get any better? Well, Comedy Central is bring new episodes of Futurama to basic cable in 2008. But is it possible to go more right? I think a guy named Simon might have found a way. For those of you not completely familiar with the fantasticle cast of characters on the show, everyone's favorite robot is Bender, a beer drinking, cigar smoking, thieving bending unit who works at the Planet Express delivery company. Seems this Simon guy got the idea of building a life size beer-brewing replica of Bender. While I rarely drink anymore, I still can fully appreciate what he's doing. In fact, in one episode of the show, the characters try to brew beer inside Bender, who treats it like a pregnancy. Classic! I look forward to seeing how his project progresses. Geeks and fans of beer all over the world and cheering you on, Simon! Oh, and is that a Police Public Call Box sign I see in the background? This guy scores serious extra points for also being a Doctor Who fan. If he was gay it'd be a trifecta and I might just have to move to where he lives and marry him!
By the way, for the time being you can catch at least 1 episode every weeknight on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. I say "for the time being" because the programming masterminds at Adult Swim seem to have an attention span just slightly longer than that of the average MTV viewer because they're allllways changing the schedule around. Oh well, at least I own all the DVDs of the original series. They never get old! I know…I'm a nerd. If you weren't aware of the, you might wanna check my profile again.