Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hope for humankind?

Not when there's press releases like this.

While I was raised Christian, and even served in our church for several years during high school, it's people like these that have raised severe questions in my faith. I'm so tired of the double standards. I'd call myself an atheist but since it seems like the majority of the population equates atheists with devil worshipers (seriously, buy a dictionary!), I'd do best to settle on agnostic. The doctrine I follow couldn't be simpler ... live and let live, be nice will doing it, and do no harm.

I feel ill just thinking about how this is going to turn into a media circus for the next week or two and give these hateful and hate-filled bigots yet another soapbox to preach their poison from. I just want to go home and crawl back in bed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I just want to order a burger, is that so wrong?

14 hours at work, 9 hours since lunch, and that's when I realize, I don't know when I'm getting home, or when I'm getting food. I'm trapped in the drive-thru at In-and-Out. Cars in front of me. Cars behind me. No one is moving. I watch each minute tick away with growing impatience, hunger, and exhaustion. Hell, I don't care if I don't get to order (oh yeah, I didn't even order as after 5 minutes of waiting to place my order at the designated "order here" spot no one took my order and the cars behind me were getting restless) I just want to be able to drive somewhere—anywhere—else! 23 minutes into being held against my will, I finally arrive at the pick-up window and before I can even get the words, "I didn't get to order yet," the kind face that I want to be mad at consolingly says, "I'm so sorry that we missed you, what would you like tonight." And while I still had to pay for my order— a #2 with onions and water instead of soda—the way in which she served me somehow made up for the fact that I my long day had been made that much longer by some snafu that I'm sure could have been avoided.

As unluck would have it, I arrived home to find that Comcast's HSI network was apparently down in my 'hood (which they would not admit to, they never do). All I wanted to do was eat my dinner, catch up on email and news, maybe a little iChatting, and then "hitting the sack" ... before going to bed. :P The network is still down, but I lucked out and managed to find that one of my neighbors must have received a wi-fi base station for Christmas, and lucked out even further because they left it open rather than putting a password on it.

Now that I'm all caught up on news, I think I'm going to skip the email and chatting and other activities on the interwebs and just go to bed. Having put in almost 30 hours at work in just two days, and with the rest of the week looking at least as busy, I'm gonna need as much sleep as I can get. *sigh* Oh how I long for the days of hourly employment and its overtime.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I've got chills

Movies like this get me all excited. This clip literally gave me chills. Just 3 more days!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Gay Robot

Found this while surfing Funny or Die, which you probably remember from the video that really launched the site, The Landlord. It's a 20-minute pilot for Comedy Central and it looks like it may actually have made it onto the schedule in 2008, if IMDB is to be believed. I've got to say it's pretty good, and I can only imagine how they'd be able to make this into a weekly series. So keep on the look out for Gay Robot on Comedy Central. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Looking for a pattern

Over the course of my free-time websurfing, I came across a link to a site that helps you track, among other things, your morale level on a daily basis. Being that mine has been a bit less-than-ideal for a longer than is probably healthy, I immediately jumped through the link to see what it was all about. It's called Morale-O-Meter and it's pretty simple, really. I like simple. Heck, since it has a place for notes it could almost be like a blog with the bonus of charts and graphs. I like charts and graphs. But you probably deduced that already. Anyway, I've going to see how long I can keep it updated daily. But since I've been doing a decidedly lackluster job keeping the blog up-to-date, the expectation is starting pretty low. Perhaps I'll stick to it long enough that I might be able to see some patterns day to day, week to week, and find a way to get out of this emotional muck, or e-muck, that I've been stuck in.


Speaking of pattens, I'm both fascinated and dumbfounded at how people come to find this blog on the interwebs. Really, it just makes me realize that maybe I should be more careful about how I title certain posts. Or not, since it's apparently bringing people to my blog. Then again I'm sure they're leaving just as quickly, and disappointedly, once discovering that they really haven't found what they were looking for. Honest to blog, no one is ever looking for this.

So here's just a few of the top Google search queries in December:

#1 - "don't cum in me" — probably linked to this post. "In"..."On"...close enough, yet so very different. This blog is for external use only. And yes, I realize that the very act of including this phrase in a post is just going to exacerbate the issue. Hey, I'm just happy I could spell "exacerbate" correctly without spellcheck!

#3 - "bedtimehigh" — a very hot site, that is if you like hot guys

#5 - "why can't we be friends" — ah, good times.

#9 - "that is one doodle that can't be undid homeskillet"Juno!

#13 - "deal with a straight guy who acts gay" — not sure how this ended up linking here. Maybe this post? Or this one? Though it's probably got the most in common with this one though even though it's only obvious to me.

#14 - "hair whorl gay" — maybe you should wear a hat

And as for what other sites people clicked through to get here, well, that's a little more tame (after stripping out all the google links)...

#1 no referring link - thank you all you direct accessers.

#2, 3, 9 - - yay! Thanks for the linkage, Mr. Darcy, you hot sexy thing you!

#14 - — this blog got linked in an image search for Bethany Hamilton, guessing it t'was to a pic on this post

#16 - — I'm so lucky to score a link at Betty's site!

#20 - — A wonderful site that has since been retired, though you can continue to read all the previous entires. 10 points if you can find yours truly mentioned in one of the posts there. Wishing you the best, Matt and John, and hope to see you posting somewhere in the blogosphere soon.

And with that I wrap up my 2nd post of 2008. I know, I'm off to a miserable start, and not just bloggily. With any luck I'll be in a better head space soon and feel more motivated to write.