So if you weren't able to figure out by my Terminator post a couple days ago, tonight I had to terminate my roommates leases so I can move forward with my plans to sell this place and get into my own place by the end of the year. It didn't go so well, as T-Snake tried every trick in the manipulators handbook to try to get me to change my mind. I have a feeling that I'm going to be facing that for the next 30 days. Just what I needed, more stress. Who would have suspected that work could actually be the silver-lining in all this, the next couple months are going to be very busy so I'll be starting early and staying late at the office. And with the workload ramping up to an even more fever pace with two big projects, I'm going to need all the time I can get to get this place fixed up. It's just me, lonely little me. After all the years of supporting others, all I've got left is myself. I guess it's always just been up to me to support myself, but I just never made myself a priority. Well, now is the time. For once, it's time to be my own priority. It's unfortunate that it had to turn out this way.
Well, I'm sure they'll be plenty of fall out and drama over the next 30 days. Well, the other silver-lining is that I'll probably have plenty of fodder for the blog. Word of warning: it's probably going to be very heavy with "bummer" labels.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Wow. That was hard. And not the good kind.
Monday, July 30, 2007
This makes me... so... happy!
Some might call it cruel, but seriously, I think everyone is secretly reveling in this news:
Paris Hilton loses inheritance.
'Bout fucking time!
Friday, July 20, 2007
On the road…
Friends, fans, and frenemies (you know who you are) just wanted to let y'all know that I'm going to be away until Monday visiting my family and probably won't be on the interwebs while I'm there. From my last phone call with my mom, this might be a fairly serious visit—of the difficult life decisions variety—so I'll may have some pretty deep stuff to post come Monday night. Make your you get plenty of sugary-sweet stuff in ya before then. :)
While I'm away, why not check out some of the links to Bitchin' People and Rockin' Reads over there on the left side of the page? They've been recently updated and are good times all.
See you in 3 days!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Because even hell needs a break…
While my appetite has been a little shaky with all the shit going down at mi casa, I present to you the first just-for-fun post in several days, if not months. Enjoy…
So, how you seen this year's best reviewed movie yet? I'm talking, of course, about Ratatouille. First of all, the film is as fun as it is magical. The attention to detail is amazing, and even the food, while just pixels, looks delicious. You leave the theater feeling good all over, and just a wee bit hungry. No spoilers here, but if you want to sample the dish that shares its name with the title of the movie, check this out. Luxo is a fan blog of the creative geniuses at Pixar and they recently posted a note about how to cook Ratatouille yourself. The version of the classic dish is from Sunset Magazine, one of my favorite analog pieces of reading material. Pop on over for more about the dish and all things Pixar! When you've had your fill of delicious creativity and need a cold dose of reality again, I'll be here.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
An upbeat posting? Not tonight...
…I've got a headache. Can you blame me? Carlos decided to lay into me with demands and criticisms and all the while I'm standing there in the living room holding the ingredients of the dinner I was trying to cook after a long day at work. What a self centered self-serving asshole. He wants everything exactly his way and exactly when he wants it. Anything that does not meet those standards will be criticized. Fuck that!!
Wait a second, that raises a good point. I guess I'm partially to blame for his recent behavior after being so generous and supportive with him in the past, But holy shit, the cunt* really comes out when there's no more free . That vile persona is here way to often. He's not the person I used to know. He's not a person I want to know. Right now, I'm deeply regretting ever attempting to rebuild our friendship.
Remember when I wrote that I wasn't sure if I should spare his feelings or give him honest feedback? Well fuck his feelings (since he doesn't give a crap about mine), right now I don't care how miserable he thinks his life is, I deserve to be treated better than that after all I've been through and done for him. His drug and alcohol use is only making things worse. And I don't need that kind of crap in my life right now.
Sorry no upbeat content tonight. I just got home after getting a couple hours of air (thanks, Ricky) and don't have it in me to post another, um, post.
*Not to be confused with Cuntessa.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Why I Like Straight Guys
Ok, that title is a bit misleading. I mean I don't not like straight guys, but I don't like them in the way that straight girls do. In other words, I'm clearly aware they're off limits. And that is why I like them. I'll explain more in a second, but first, I need to share the "Wind Beneath my Wings" story.
So after the two movies, Becks and I were hungry and headed over to a nice family owned/operated pizza place. While we were waiting for our pie to arrive, the conversation turned to some recent tragic news of the untimely passing of the partner of one of our coworkers. He came home to find his partner had passed away on the floor, and we're not sure what happened. It's very sad and our hearts go out to our coworker and friend. Then we started talking about how each of us would deal in a similar situation. And then we started discussing scenarios if we lived alone and something were to happen to us, and how long it would take for someone to discover our own lifeless body. Talking about each other's and our own mortality was kind of a downer. Although I haven't known Becks for as long as say I have known Carlos, or even my coworkers, I've really enjoyed getting to know him better in the past year. Then, right in the middle of our downer discussion, Bette Midler's "Wind Beneath My Wings" starts playing over the restaurant's speaker system. If you remember back to the late 80s you'll remember this song was in the tear-jerking movie "Beaches" in which one of the main characters dies. We both look at each other, and I both ruin the moment and break the tension with a sarcastic comment about now having to promise to be BFFs. If you're not familiar with the term BFF, just Google it or just watch the Bratz movie trailer…you'll be sorry you did. Anyway, we both laugh at the crazy coincidental timing of the whole thing. And yes, Becks, I am indeed blogging about it.
The entire 11 hours we hung out I felt completely at ease with Becks, and thus, why I like straight guys. There's no pretenses, no pressure to meet "community" and media standards in physical appearance, and no competition in the same dating pool. It's just hanging out, having fun, talking about whatever. And while some conversation topics can lead to instant dead-ends, it's still a lot better than feeling like you need to impress them per chance to get a date with them.
To be fair, straight guys have their downsides too. For one—and through no fault of their own—I become befuddlingly awkward around cute guys (gay or str8)…it's not a pretty sight and I suspect that the cute guys think I'm suffering from Tourette syndrome or something. And as I touched on before, there can be times my interests and their interests might differ significantly thus stalling the conversation…so I try to keep my conversations about hot guys and home decor to a minimum and hope that they will not talk about tits and ass. Plus straight guys don't like to talk about their feelings. (OK, that was too stereotypical on both sides, my apologies.) And then, of course, there's the seemingly mandatory homophobic factor that seems to come into play, either because of social pressures or macho posturing, or both. Usually this takes place in the form of saying things like "that's so gay" as a way of disparaging something. Becks has let that last example slip a couple times, but he's always caught himself and immediately apologized and I've thanked him and done my best not make him feel more awkward about saying it. I'm just happy he's as cool and accepting as he is because when I first met him some of our coworkers made it seem like he was a big-time conservative and that he was highly homophobic. Discovering that they were wrong on most counts is a relief. Anyway, I'm glad I have a new friend who likes going to baseball games, likes Aqua Teen Hunger Force, doesn't drink to cope with everyday life, and who I can still catch off guard with a great one liner rendering him speechless, slowly turning red, and looking for the nearest escape route. Good times…good times.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
The history of the world. Well, my world. And, actually, only 7 years of it.
So yesterday I mentioned how tricky it's going to be to tell Carlos the complete reason I'm moving on, and much of that has to do with our history. After a good night's sleep and some Colbert Report reruns to keep my spirits up, I'm ready to take that stroll down memory lane. So put on your walking shoes and an extra pair of sock because this could be a long journey, here we go…Carlos came into my life in late 1999 when we needed to fine a new roommate. It was down to two candidates. "One who smoked pot, and one who smoked pole," as I liked to say back then. Since one of my roommates, a disgusting beast I'll call Hermit, had routine random drug screening at his job, he was worried that a pot smoker would be too risky to have in the house. And even though they weren't too keen on having two gay roommates making the house hold a 50/50 mix of gay to straight, they decided to go for Carlos. I was still rather fresh out of the closet (Yep, I'm a late bloomer) so I was kind of excited to have someone I could talk to about life in the gay world.
Carlos and I hit it off pretty much right off the bat. He worked for at a copy center while taking classes at the local JC. He worked the closing shift so sometimes he would get home pretty late. I'm a night-owl by nature so I was usually still up when he was getting in. Soon we were having late night conversations and we started becoming friends. I really felt like I had met my soul-mate. Not even a year later, we had decided to join a gym to get in shape and to make all the gay boys beat a path for our door. Unfortunately, I had my sights set on one guy that I should have known would be off limits. That guy, Carlos. In the early summer, after a late night gym visit, I told him there was something I needed to talk about. We pulled over in a quiet neighborhood a few blocks from the house and I proceeded to lay it all out in the open and tell him how I felt. I should have known that was a big mistake as I was pretty quickly shot down. Adding a bit of insult to injury was his comment that, and I'm paraphrasing here, "my friend fall in love with me all the time." Wow. I mean wow. For someone who has so many personal hang ups and low self esteem, he's clearly not lacking any self esteem in the that department.
Things were a bit awkward for a while after that. I think I went almost a week avoiding him, or him avoiding me, or both. Long before the night of me making a fool of myself we had planned to take a vacation together to Disneyland. We still went and it was a lot of fun, but things were clearly now different between us. Where as before he had little problem showing signs of affection (platonic, of course) such as a hug or arm around the shoulder now he avoided physical contact except for an occasional—and usually horribly coordinated—high-five. When I asked him about it, he conceded that he flet a bit uncomfortable given what had happened, but also that he's not a physically affectionate person to begin with. Well that went contrary to how I'd seen him interact with our other friends. Hugging, kisses, and other types of casual physical contact were the norm for everyone to receive but me. His reasoning was that he'd known many of these people for years and that one day, years from now, he'd feel comfortable with me in the same way.
Time marched on. Months flew by and we became even closer friends. Eventually the day came when he moved back home to be with his folks. And we started seeing less and less of each other, but still kept in close contact and hung out as often as we could. We had our good times, we had our rough times, and ever time we made it through it. My feelings for him were not letting up and it became obvious to me that I unless I forced myself to move on, I never would and I'd be miserable for the rest of my lift watching as he moved in and out of relationships. One chilly fall day I asked him to meet because there was something I wanted to talk to him about. We met for coffee and a small bakery. We made small talk as we drank our latttes and nibbled at some pastry. Finally I cut to the chase, which was essentially that I still had feeling for him, and that the only way that I would be able to move on was to live a life without him. The words hung in the air with the smoke from the chimneys of the surrounding neighborhood. When he asked how long I thought it would be for, I think I caught him off guard with my reply of, "Never." That pretty much ended the talk and he left. That night was very rough. As was the following week. Complicating things a bit is that we had several mutual friends and I'm sure made things hard on them as well.
Things were rough without the one person who I felt I could talk about anything with. Weeks later things were starting to feel better and moving on seemed within reach with the support of my friends and coworkers. And then came 9/11 hit and the reality of choosing to lose my best friend seemed unfair and selfish when compared to all those that died in the attacks. Adding to mix of elevated emotions was the fact that one of our shared friends ran into Carlos on the street and "flipped out" because he felt that he was caught in the middle of a feud. Truth is that guy was just a drama queen who wanted attention to be paid to him.
A few months later, I was finally feeling in control of my emotions, that I had gotten to the point where I was moving on. Just in time for the holidays. The holidays have all ways meant family and friends for me so my thoughts began to turn to considering a reconciliation with Carlos. I wasn't sure how that would be received considering that I had said that the break up was a forever deal. I shouldn't have been surprised when I was finally able to contact him that he wasn't very keen on the idea of getting together to talk. But eventually he agreed to meet in early January. The meeting was a bit awkward as it was clear that what had happened had taken an emotional toll on both of us. He warned me that it would take him a long time to feel like he could fully trust me again, which wasn't beyond reason. We decided to take it one step at a time.
Over the next couple seasons, we began to rebuild our friendship, and at times it seemed as though our friendship was even stronger than before. Every once in a while Carlos would play the "you hurt me" card when he was feeling defensive. It was obvious that things may never fully be resolved. That never set well with me—it seemed unfair—but I rationalized that it was part of my penance to pay.
Flashing forward would find me helping him move into the dorm at a nearby university. I would visit often and things were going great. My feelings for him were remaining at bay and I had even started dating a guy, Erik, I met on Yahoo. It almost seemed like Carlos was a little jealous about that. Nothing big, just a hunch. I found it tricky to split my time between Erik and visiting Carlos at school, and Erik wasn't thrilled when I left after our first night together to meet up with Carlos for a perviously arranged breakfast. October 2002 found me at one of the most challenging points in my life. I was in a car accident, my school closed with me being 1 class session away from completing two certificate programs, I was working 2 jobs and hadn't had a day off in more than 10 days, and Erik and I broke up. It was probably for the best. Things improved in early December as I was able to drop of my jobs. Just over a year later I found a nice corporate gig not far from where Carlos was attending school and when I learned that one of his roommates was moving out of their apartment, I moved in. Things were great. A couple years passed.
Then our quality of life at the apartment took a turn for the worse when these young punks moved in above us and made our daily lives miserable. The worst was then flooded our apartment. Twice. We were ready to move and I was finally ready to buy a house. The timing seemed perfect, even though the circumstances weren't. I choose a 3 bedroom townhouse so that all three of us (Carlos, T-Snake, and myself) could relocate together. I had assumed that our living arrangements in the apartment would simply carry over to the house, but that would not be the case. About a year into living in the house Carlos commented that he'd like to, once he established a career for himself, consider buying a place together, or at least get added to the title and pay half of the mortgage. Wow, that was a bit of a shock, but it was also a very reassuring prospect. While the whole soulmates thing had become a thing of the past, I saw him as someone that would also be in my life.
I'm not sure how or why, but since moving into the house, things between myself and Carlos have really started to fall apart. I'm sure some of it can be chalked up to the stresses he faced during his final year of school, and I feel I went above and beyond to be supportive. Maybe that was my mistake and I'm to blame for the problems in our relationship. But I don't think that is to be blamed for the communication problems what we've been having. I feel as though he doesn't want to listen to what I have to say, especially if it's something he doesn't want to hear, but needs to know. He expects me to listen to his day, but I get an uninterested ear when I want to talk about my day. I know I've said it before, but the whole double-standard thing, I'm over it. I don't deserve it. I've earned better than that. And now I want to go out and get what I deserve, a place of my own, away from the burdens of an ungrateful friend.
But I can't tell him that, can i? Before I needed to get away from him because I couldn't get him out of my heart. But now I want to get away from him because I can't stand to be around him at times… and it's more and more often. He doesn't handle feedback like that very well, and given that he has increasingly been turning to pot and alcohol to cope with handle stress (aka: life), I'm worried that it would only get worse before I could be on my own. I feel like telling him would be similar to rejecting him all those years ago, and part of me still feels guilty for hurting him back in 2001. As awful as it sounds I just want to check out of the relationship until he can get his life together and he can learn to treat me with the same support and respect I've given to him. I want to be treated as well as he treats his other friend, or at least I don't want to have to be the person who has to subjected to the brunt of the negativity he spares other people from. Is that an unrealistic expectation? I would love to know, after reading the whole saga from the past few days, what you think. I might even post a survey to help me figure out the best course of short term action.
Alrighty, I really need to get to Trader Joe's before they close. Check back tomorrow for a posting on why I like straight guys. It's not what you think… or is it. Log on to find out.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The three kitties have turned into one ginormous elephant in the room.
Ok, let's get the mega-sugary syrupy part over and done with, here's the additional pictures of the kitties. God, they were so sweet and we had really bonded. The pictures were taken while I was on my way to the Humane Society. Logic and reason had to prevail if the kitties were to have any real chance of survival. I've been thinking about them all day. And even though I was the only one to have taken care of them—at all—in the brief time they were in our company, both Carlos (who played with them for a few minutes before abandoning them because he wanted to go to his room) and T-Snake (who never ever saw them) had gotten the idea that adopting the kitties was a good idea and done deal. It was while I was cleaning up the copious amounts of shitty kitty crap that the reality of being a pet owner kicked in. Reality is a bitch.
When they came home from dinner T-Snake burst into the house giddy with the (never confirmed) notion that he was going to get a kitten or kittens. For the next 45 minutes there was a lot of back and forth (I'll spare you all the mind numbing and illogical details) and T-Snake was doing everything in his power to manipulate the outcome into his favor of getting a cat. He kept claiming that he's very qualified for taking care of pets, having raised more than any of us. I believe what I see and nothing I've seen him do would indicate he's capable of such a responsibility. I could not in good conscience entrust the tender fragile life of one of these rescued kittens into the care of someone who doesn't even do his share in cleaning his own litter box (aka: bathroom) or bedroom—the same bedroom whose stench still makes be gag when I walk by when the door is open—but was not mentally able at the time to put get that point across without possibly insulting him. OK, I can hear everyone out there saying in unison, "but you fucking own the house, and it's your right to take a stand." And you would be right. To be fair I wouldn't entrust the kitten(s) lives in my own hands right now, either. None of us are realistically able to make that kind of commitment right now. But I digress.
Ultimately I had to play the landlord card and say "no pets" which I thought—as any logical person might—would end the conversation. It did not, and even though Carlos said he respected my judgement and decision, it started to feel like I was being made out to be the bad guy. Hell, I'd rather be the bad guy and do the right thing, than then nice guy by doing the wrong thing. When I tried to—on eggshells, as to not bring out Carlos' close-minded defensive persona that's become such a frequent visitor—address the fact that I had tried stop the "house meeting" before it started and avert the 45 minutes of pointless round-and-round, Carlos started doing what he always faults me for, he began talking over me and interrupting me. And then when I asked if I could finish what I was saying, he cut me off and said "Wait, let me finish." The double standard that has become a growing roadblock in our communication over the past year finally broke me. I snapped. And they were not ready for what I told them next; the new elephant in the room.
And I'll tell you what that elephant is…tomorrow. (I'm such a tease!) As an added bonus, I'll share with you the deleted content that didn't make it into tonight's big reveal. Think of it as a blog post with bonus features!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Pussies Galore!
With all the tension and drama that's happened around the homestead in the past couple days, it almost seems like fate decided to intervene and sent us the only thing that could instantly mend the riffs between us. Kittens. Three of them. Carlos found them under my car when he was headed out to the gym. They're adorable but obviously strays. Three different sizes, from smallest to biggest they've already been named. Pixel, the tiniest looks like a feline version of a chihuahua; Widget is the one looking at the camera and was the most timid to start with, but was the most eager to jump out of the box and loves being snuggled; and Spike looks like the leader of the bunch with a quiet strength. Tomorrow we'll be taking them in to Animal Rescue to get them checked out. We'd like to keep them, though I'm not sure how ready, or able, we are to take care of three helpless creatures when its a struggle just to take care of ourselves at times.
Carlos is still at the gym—guessing the showers are quite busy tonight—so I'm on kitty keeper duty. Already fed them (boy, they were hungry) and now they're all cuddled up and sleeping peacefully on a full stomach. I'll keep you posted our pussy possibilities and post better pictures (the one above was taken with my crappy camera phone) soon.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Has the fat lady sung? No, still not me
I may be festively plump from sitting in a cube 60+ hrs a week, but I certainly ain't no lady.
Ok, a brief update on the past 3 weeks:
T-Snake did NOT get back together with Cuntessa. Hope can be found in the little miracles of life.I broke things off with Francisco. Without going into too many details, it turns out there is such thing as the Pink Mafia. Who knew?! And while at first I thought it was kinda cool, it got a little more real than I was comfortable with.
The housemates and I have embarked on a Extreme House Cleaning Extravaganza™. Actually, since I never took a cleaning deposit from them, or a security deposit, or any kind of deposit come to think of it, I've asked them to complete a list of cleaning tasks or pay a $250 special assessment to cover said tasks. It's been a bit of an learning experience, mostly for T-Snake who has apparently never had to clean. Anything. Ever. He actually started dusting the banister by hitting it with a pillow. Yes, he had a pillow fight with the banister. The banister won. The boy needs to lay off the bong and start learning the basics of self survival. OMG, and I'll spare you the details of his logic behind what kinds of paper should be put in the recycling bin. Nutshell version: a cantaloup knows better.
.......This just in....... the word "crunk" has just been added to the dictionary, according to the nightly news. Society is hopeless. .......We now return you to your irregularly scheduled rant..........Last night the housemates and I went out for sushi. Only because it was sushi did I let myself get talked into going though I really just wanted to stay in and make dinner and watch a DVD. The last time we went to this particular sushi restaurant, Carlos and T-Snake got a bit hammered doing pseudo sake bombs and got a little lax about not belching while eating. It was pretty embarrassing and I don't think they fully realized how much attention they were drawing from the other diners. Last night ended not only in a repeat performance, but with Carlos and I getting into an argument because in his drunken state he only hearing what he wanted to hear. I'll spare you the details, but essentially it was a matter of apples to cinder blocks…two completely different topics but he was not listening to what I was actually saying. AARRGGH!!! It's so frustrating talking to talk logically to someone who's been drinking. After I dropped them off at the house, I hit the road and drove around for several hours into the wee hours of the morning. Probably not the best thing to do with the high cost of gas; I used 3/4 of my tank.
This is become an recurring issue between Carlos and myself and I'm completely exhausted by it. Between frequently drinking and smoking pot, I no longer want to be around him, which is quite a contrast to the past 7 years. He's increasingly critical of what I do in my own house, and becomes bitingly defensive when similar actions are noted about him. T-Snake tends to exacerbate the problem by egging Carlos into smoking out with him, and then the self-centered, single-minded thinking intensifies. All those "you're a different person when you smoke pot" PSAs on TV are based in reality no matter how corny they come across. While I've hinted at putting the house up for sale and getting a place of my own here on the blog, I've never told them. And while Carlos might read this, I no longer care. I think the fat lady has indeed sung (and yes, that's the best "fat lady opera singer" photo I could find on iStockphoto!) because I'm so utterly over this situation that I'm finding myself spiraling into a depression because I can't sell this place and find a new place on my own fast enough. Actually, I've already visited a couple great 1br/1ba condos and lofts that I can afford and have been consulting with an RE agent, but the timing is just not right. There's a lot of work that needs to be done on the house to bring it up to market standards and it's a daunting challenging for one person to do it alone. The boys are renting from me for way below the rental market rate (they're only paying 17% of what I pay each month), yet there's this increasing sense of entitlement, that I should be the one buying furniture they want for the house, that I should provide them with cleaning supplies, etc. I'm so fucking tired of it. If I could afford to keep this place by myself I would ask them both to move on. And while an easy option would be to just get new roommates, I don't want the added responsibility of being a landlord, nor do I want the constant worry that keeps me up at night that they might set the house on fire, or in some other way, significantly damage the house. The stress is too much to bear sometimes. It's times like these that I question my decision to stop drinking.
Special thanks to Betty and Becks (I hope I'm being consistent with my aliases here, it's been a looooong time since I've posted) for keeping me as cheery as possible.
Well, that was therapeutic. OK, I'm tired of all this negativity and I need to go to bed as I have to give Betty a lift in the morning.