Not that I've had a whole heck of a lot of time to actually watch much TV, but I did happen to catch The Works recently on the History Channel and found host Daniel H. Wilson to be utterly adorkable. Being that The Works is a brand new show and we're at the start of a new TV season, I'm ready to proclaim Mr. Wilson to be the most adorkable new host in all of the kingdom of television. I realize that such a proclamation might be somewhat ironic being that he is a man of science (or at least mechanics, the popular ones to be sure) and I, having not exactly complete exhaustive and comprehensive research into the matter or followed any sort of scientific method whatsoever, am so eager to make said proclamation. What can I say, I go with my gut. There's a lot of it these days, it's hard to ignore it so I usually just go along along with it.
So there you have it. As promised a new post that managed be both geeky and gay. And short. Wow! It's a three-fer!
3 days ago
I would like very much to make him my boyfriend!