Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Flour. Oil. Sugar-daddy. It's Amazing What You Can Find at Trader Joe's.

Greetings ladies, gentleman… and ladies that look like gentlemen and vice versa. Tonight I have an exciting announcement. Oh wait, did I forget to announce the results of the GKR 2.0 poll? I did! I've been a bit distracted since Sunday, but I'll get to that in a minute.

So the people have spoken. All 9-10 of you. Seriously. That's all?? Me thinks some of you didn't remember to rock the vote and remind your family and friends to check the boxes. You're lucky I'm all blissed out or there'd be trouble. For one of us. Ok, just me. Anyway, drumroll please…

  • The "signature" color of GKR 2.0 is: Pink and Orange
  • GKR 2.0 will be More White Trashy than previous versions
  • Ads on the site garnered the overwhelming response of Meh… who cares.

So, now that things are settling down (and other things are heating up) I'll be able to begin work on designing GKR 2.0. I hope it's as thrilling for you as it is for me.

Speaking of thrilling… it's time for the actual thrilling announcement. Yours truly, Gay Kenny Ray, has found himself a sugardaddy. And at Trader Joe's no less! Proving once again that all the best stuff can be found at TJs. His name is Francisco—yes, another latin… I can't help it!—and it was instant chemistry when our hands touched when reaching for the same bag of frozen pineapple chunks Sunday night. We went out for coffee (he treated), not caring that our pineapple bits were rapidly thawing in our grocery bags. Monday night he took me out to dinner (his treat, again) and to his place for a nightcap (my treat… twice!). If it wasn't so late I'd go into more details. And don't worry, for those squeamish folks out there, I'll leave out the part about the harness, captain's hat, and the paddle. Is it love? I don't know. Stay tuned…

1 comment:

  1. Was I not just saying I hope to meet the next future ex-Mr. Underground when the new Trader Joe's opens up in my hood?

    Wait ...YOU HAD A DATE AND DIDN'T TELL ME?! That is TWICE I have found out about one of my boyfriends dating via their BLOG.

    Dead to me.

