Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"Baby it's cold out inside..."

I swear this will be the last time I use a song lyric for a posting title. Well, for a few days anyway.

Because of the construction going on in the house right now I can't run the furnace as it and the air ducts are full of dust and I'm doing my best to keep the dust rhinos in a confined area instead of setting them loose via the vents. When I woke up this morning it was 50°F in my room. Now 1.5 hours later the room has warmed up to a far from cozy 54°F. Time to go to the office to keep from getting frost bite and/or hypothermia.

Luckily for Betty I'll be able to drop off a Venti latte to her office on the way to my own. I think I'll buy an extra one and just dump it on my head to warm up faster.


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